Hi, I'm Teal.

Yes, like the color! I'm a DC-based software developer, hammock-camping enthusiast, and USMC Veteran.

Photo of Teal
Eye Searching Illustration

Who am I?

A full-stack software developer with a flair for elegance and precision shaped by over a decade of experience as a symphony trumpet player and military musician. I bring an enthusiasm for learning and a determination for solving complex problems to any team.

My Projects

myLibrary Home Page


A virtual bookshelf with full CRUD capabilities, utilizing Google OAuth 2.0 and the Google Books API.

Built using:

MongoDB, Express, Node.js, Mongoose, JavaScript, Bootstrap

Poker app home page

Poker | Push or Fold

A card based memory game that tests user’s knowledge of preflop poker charts, complete with sound and animatiion.

Built using:

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bulma

Mutant Games Home Page

Mutant Games

A full-stack MERN application for creating and joining video game lobbies.

Built using:

MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js, Mongoose, JavaScript, Bootstrap


Languages JavaScript, TypeScript
Frameworks React, Vue.js, Node.js, Express, Alpine.js
Databases MongoDB, PostgreSQL
Tools Git, GitHub, Gitlab, Express, Mongoose, Passport.js, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Postman, Google OAuth 2.0
Analytics Illustration
Analytics Illustration

Reach Out

You can email me directly or send a message using the form below.